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Hi Can any please guide and help to get these error resolve Thank you PHP Fatal error: Declaration

U03CDV6GDSP Posts: 38 🧑🏻‍🚀 - Cadet

Can any please guide and help to get these error resolve
Thank you

PHP Fatal error: Declaration of Orm\Zed\Acl\Persistence\Map\SpyAclGroupArchiveTableMap::initialize() must be compatible with Propel\Runtime\Map\TableMap::initialize(): void in /data/src/Orm/Zed/Acl/Persistence/Map/SpyAclGroupArchiveTableMap.php on line 185
ErrorException - Exception: FATAL ERROR - Declaration of Orm\Zed\Acl\Persistence\Map\SpyAclGroupArchiveTableMap::initialize() must be compatible with Propel\Runtime\Map\TableMap::initialize(): void
in /data/src/Orm/Zed/Acl/Persistence/Map/SpyAclGroupArchiveTableMap.php (185)
