Code of Conduct

Welcome to CommerceQuest!

This platform is designed to be a collaborative space for customers, partners, and anyone interested in discussing and sharing information about Spryker products and services.

Encouraged Behavior

In general…

  • Help others by being respectful and friendly
  • Help others by providing constructive answers and feedback
  • Help others by providing sufficient detail (including screenshots and links if needed)

On the forum and at events…

  • **Stay on topic: **Ensure your posts and discussions are relevant to Spryker products, services, or the community itself. Off-topic conversations or spam may be removed.
  • **Use descriptive titles: **When starting a new discussion, use a clear and descriptive title to help others understand the topic and encourage engagement.
  • **Search before posting: **Before starting a new discussion or asking a question, please use the search function to see if your topic has already been addressed. This will help reduce repetitive posts.
  • **Be constructive: **Offer helpful and constructive feedback, and avoid making negative comments without providing any value to the conversation.
  • **Maintain confidentiality: **Do not share sensitive, confidential, or proprietary information about Spryker or any of its customers or partners. This includes personal information, such as email addresses, phone numbers, or any other private data.
  • **Respect intellectual property: **When sharing content, give proper credit to the original author, and do not post copyrighted material without permission.
  • **No self-promotion or advertising: **Unless explicitly stated in a subforum description or by an admin or moderator, refrain from promoting your own products, services, or content unrelated to Spryker. Posts deemed as spam or self-promotion may be removed.
  • **Report violations: **If you witness any rule violations or inappropriate content, please report it to the forum moderators immediately.
  • **Follow moderator guidance: **Forum moderators reserve the right to edit, delete, or move posts that violate the rules or are deemed inappropriate. Please follow any guidance or instructions given by moderators.

On your profile…

Most Spryker employees will use their real names and profile pictures for their accounts, as we want to show you, who is behind the different teams here at Spryker. For the sake of transparency and building a community of professionals, we would like to invite and encourage you to

  • State your real, full name
  • Use an actual photo as avatar
  • State the company/project you are working for (if you are at liberty to do so)

At the same time we of course also fully respect your privacy, so you are equally welcome to the CommerceQuest community, even if you choose to not share any personal information.

Unacceptable Behavior

  • Do not post or link to offense, inappropriate content
  • Do not post or link to malicious software
  • Do not post or link to illegal activities
  • Do not post or link to confidential information of Spryker
  • Do not instigate or participate in hate speech or discrimination of any kind
  • Do not spam

By participating in the our Community Forum, you agree to abide by these rules and understand that failure to do so may result in consequences, such as temporary or permanent bans from the forum. Let’s work together to create a positive and valuable space for everyone involved in the Spryker community!